Satisfaction guarantee
Vi er expert på intensivkurs og vanlig opplæring på kl. b, automatgir og manuell gir
Satisfaction guarantee
We are so confident that the service we deliver is of such high quality that you will be 100% satisfied with the driving hours.
That is why we are not afraid to have a satisfaction guarantee.
So if you are still not satisfied with a driving lesson of 45, 60 or 90 minutes, you get your money back for the lesson in no question. Whatever the reason.
Must be reported immediately at the end of class to apply.
It does not apply for the mandatory courses.
This makes it safe to drive with Expert traffic school. It is very important to us that you are so satisfied that you recommend us to your friends and acquaintances.
Flere nyheter
- Fornøydgaranti
- Evaluation step 2
- Trinn 2 vurderingsskjema
- Evaluation step 3
- Trinn 3 vurderingsskjema
- Security control class B
- Sikkerhetskontroll
- Education plan
- Logg trinn 4/ Log step 4
- Intensive course
- Intensivkurs
- Planleggingstur 4.1.3
- Planning trip
- Ledsagersamarbeid
- Se-regel 1: se langt frem
- Look far ahead, rule number 1
- Rundkjøring, hvordan kjøre trygt med god avvikling?
- Roundaboats- how to drive safe with good tempo?
- Ønsker du å bestå på første forsøk?
- Get the driverlicense on the first attempt
- Kartleggingstimer
- Mapping lesson
- Oppmøtesteder