Education plan
Expert på intensivkurs og trafikkopplæring klasse B, automat og manuell
Education plan
Education plan for EXPERT TRAFFIC SCHOOL
Step 1:
Basic traffic course (compulsory, 17h)
1.1 The traffic education
1.2 Traffic and the driving role
1.3 People in traffic and interaction
1.4 Traffic training, practice driving and driving experience (10h)
1.5 Duties in the event of traffic accidents and first aid
1.6 Measures in the event of a traffic accident (4h)
1.7 Traffic in the dark (3h)
Step 2: Basic driving skills
2.1 Driving license and traffic education
2.2 The car's structure with regard to safety and the environment
2.3 Owner's and user's responsibility
2.4 Driving with a trailer
2.5 Human capacity and traffic requirements
2.6 Prepare for driving
2.7 Basic use of the car in varied terrain -Starting and stopping - Crawling - Hill start -Right and left turns - Gearing - Backing up -Parking
2.8 Basic vehicle handling in areas with little traffic
2.9 Security check
2.10 Step assessment (mandetory, 1h)
Step 3: Traffic driving skills
3.1 The traffic system, road user groups and conflicts of interest
3.2 Roads, road markings, signs and other regulations
3.4 Information collection
3.5 Driving in residential, urban and urban environments -In and between crosses -Right and left turns - Roundabout - Traffic lights -Field change
3.6 Driving in a country road environment - Off and on the driveway -Precise driving technique -Motorway
3.7 Driving in queues, tunnels and in the dark
3.8 Secure interaction
3.9 Step assessment (compulsory, 1h)
3.10 Safety course on practice track (compulsory, 4h)
Step 4: Road safety course (compulsory, 9h)
4.1.1 The risk of driving (2h)
4.1.2 Driving in a country road environment (5h)
4.1.3 Planning and driving in a varied environment (4h)
4.1.4 Reflection and summary (2h) 4.2 Sufficient practice
Flere nyheter
- Fornøydgaranti
- Evaluation step 2
- Trinn 2 vurderingsskjema
- Evaluation step 3
- Trinn 3 vurderingsskjema
- Security control class B
- Sikkerhetskontroll
- Logg trinn 4/ Log step 4
- Intensive course
- Intensivkurs
- Planleggingstur 4.1.3
- Planning trip
- Ledsagersamarbeid
- Se-regel 1: se langt frem
- Look far ahead, rule number 1
- Rundkjøring, hvordan kjøre trygt med god avvikling?
- Roundaboats- how to drive safe with good tempo?
- Ønsker du å bestå på første forsøk?
- Get the driverlicense on the first attempt
- Kartleggingstimer
- Mapping lesson
- Oppmøtesteder
- Dette er vi EXPERT på