Evaluation step 3
Expert på intensivkurs og trafikkopplæring klasse B, automat og manuell
Evaluation step 3
Step 3 assessment form
Your assessment of goal achievement in step 3:
How have you achieved these goals?
bad - not quite independent - good
Can explain the traffic system, different road user groups and conflicts of interest Account for roads, road markings, signs and other traffic regulations.
Account for good and clear behavior in different road environments, e.g. tunnels.
-When I drive looking far ahead, at the vanishing point viewing technique: short and many glances
-I detect and perceive intersections, pedestrians and obstacles in good time.
-Discovers and understands signs and markings in good time.
-Residential, settlement or urban environment overview of the traffic environment. This means control of footpaths, cars, pedestrians, cyclists.
-Correct speed adjustment in relation to visibility, e.g.: the right-hand rule, roundabouts and onto the right-of-way
-Do I have the correct location in relation to one-way streets, lane selection (main rule) and traffic conditions lane change (speed, observation with blind spot)
-Stops completely at a stop sign
-I anticipate and perceive risks in relation to other road users. (e.g. Cyclists, pedestrians, children, bus)
Traffic lights
-Can drive left at traffic lights
-Check at the last stopping point when changing from green to yellow light at traffic lights
-Checks behind before and during braking when changing from green to red light at traffic lights
-Start planning as early as possible
-Correct speed towards the roundabout
-Correct placement (e.g. one-lane, two-lane, 3-armed)
-Correct use of turn signals look for and exploit openings so that I don't have to stop (flow, pace, margin of safety)
-On and off the motorway (eg: speed, precise location)
-Merging and changing fields when necessary Directional stability (without wobbling)
When I drive in and out from a major road (access road)
-Control of cyclists before entry
-Looks to the right for cars before turning right
-Quick acceleration to the speed limit or traffic flashes and checks mirrors in good time before turning off
Flere nyheter
- Fornøydgaranti
- Evaluation step 2
- Trinn 2 vurderingsskjema
- Trinn 3 vurderingsskjema
- Security control class B
- Sikkerhetskontroll
- Education plan
- Logg trinn 4/ Log step 4
- Intensive course
- Intensivkurs
- Planleggingstur 4.1.3
- Planning trip
- Ledsagersamarbeid
- Se-regel 1: se langt frem
- Look far ahead, rule number 1
- Rundkjøring, hvordan kjøre trygt med god avvikling?
- Roundaboats- how to drive safe with good tempo?
- Ønsker du å bestå på første forsøk?
- Get the driverlicense on the first attempt
- Kartleggingstimer
- Mapping lesson
- Oppmøtesteder
- Dette er vi EXPERT på