Look far ahead, rule number 1
Expert på intensivkurs og trafikkopplæring klasse B, automat og manuell
Look far ahead, rule number 1
Look far ahead where the road disappears.
I am an expert in getting students to look so far ahead.
This is the most important thing of all to drive safely, with good handling, good interaction. It also affects directional stability and planning.
This is something that is given far too little importance.
Many people are good at saying that you have to look far ahead. But very few say concretely how far ahead they should look.
As a result, driving can become wobbly and it is difficult to have the correct speed adjustment at junctions and roundabouts.
So if you look as far ahead as possible (the vanishing point) as early as possible, it will lead to reaching your goal faster. This means that fewer driving hours are used.
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