Planning trip
Expert på intensivkurs og trafikkopplæring klasse B, automat og manuell
Planning trip
Planning trip
You must plan a driving route between the various places mentioned below. You decide which order you want to use and which way you want to drive.
-You have to decide how you want to find out along the way. Aids: data, telephone and GPS.
Regardless of what you choose, you must have thought through how it works and how you will find it.
Before departure, you and the teacher will discuss the following: What expectations do you have for the trip?
How did you prepare for today?
What do you think about breaks?
What do you think about the traffic environment on the route?
How do you prepare the car?
How long will you spend?
Do you have long enough range?
Rute 1
-Sola flyplass: kiss and fly
Rute 2
-Sola flyplass: kiss and fly
Rute 3
-Sola flyplass: kiss and fly
Rute 4
-Viste hotell
-sola flyplass: kiss and fly
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