Evaluation step 2
Experter på intensivkurs og trafikkopplæring klasse B, automat og manuell
Evaluation step 2
Step 2 assessment form
Your assessment of goal achievement in step 2:
How have you achieved these goals?
bad - not quite independent - good
Know how driving license training works Know how the car works in relation to safety and the environment.
Know who is responsible for the vehicle and duties in the event of a traffic accident
Is aware of our capacity and traffic requirements.
Before i start driving i adjust the seat, mirrors and headrest correctly.
When I take off or stop to the edge, I have correct observation and signaling (inside mirror, turn signals, outside mirror, blind spot)
Is the start and stop comfortable?
When I have to turn right or left at a road junction: I have correct observation and signalling, position and speed adjustment.
Looking far ahead (the vanishing point).
Directional stability (no wobbling).
Reversing and parking: far back, turn, parking between lines and cars, car park.
Can carry out a full safety check of the car.
Flere nyheter
- Fornøydgaranti
- Trinn 2 vurderingsskjema
- Evaluation step 3
- Trinn 3 vurderingsskjema
- Security control class B
- Sikkerhetskontroll
- Education plan
- Logg trinn 4/ Log step 4
- Intensive course
- Intensivkurs
- Planleggingstur 4.1.3
- Planning trip
- Ledsagersamarbeid
- Se-regel 1: se langt frem
- Look far ahead, rule number 1
- Rundkjøring, hvordan kjøre trygt med god avvikling?
- Roundaboats- how to drive safe with good tempo?
- Ønsker du å bestå på første forsøk?
- Get the driverlicense on the first attempt
- Kartleggingstimer
- Mapping lesson
- Oppmøtesteder
- Dette er vi EXPERT på